Fort Myers
About Fort Myers |
Storm Surge History |
The Pensacola Bay area was inhabited by Native Americans for thousands of years and was the site of the first multi-year European settlement (Spanish), beginning in 1559. Modern-day Pensacola has a population of approximately 52,000 people (2010 Census), but the Pensacola Metropolitan Area contains 461,000. Pensacola is well known as the home of Naval aviation, as the area contains the first U.S. Naval Air Station, the National Naval Aviation Museum and the Blue Angels, acrobatic planes that fly in formation at air shows. Five flags have flown over the city, those of Spain, France, Great Britain, United States of America and Confederate States of America. Pensacola Beach is a popular coastal resort located on a nearby barrier island.
U-Surge provides high water marks from 59 hurricanes and tropical storms at Pensacola since 1890. Hurricane Frederic (1979) generated the highest storm tide on record, as the water level reached 12 ft above the Annually-Adjusted MSL (AAMSL). Hurricane Ivan's (2004) 11.41-ft storm tide reached second place; this destructive flood event remains fresh in the local memory. Two major floods in the early 1900s impacted Pensacola- an unnamed hurricane in 1906 generated a storm tide 10 ft and the Great Miami Hurricane of 1926 redeveloped in the Gulf and pushed a 9.41-ft storm tide at Pensacola. These four hurricanes generated water levels substantially higher than other events on record and they all occurred in September.
Time Series
Most Severe Surges
This histogram provides the maximum water levels of the 59 recorded storm tide events at Pensacola since 1890. The events are ordered from the highest water level (Rank = 1) to lowest (Rank = 59). These events are not placed in chronological order. All data are detrended to remove the influence of relative sea level rise, so they represent water levels above an Annually-Adjusted Mean Sea Level (AAMSL).
This time series provides maximum water levels from 59 recorded storm tide events at Pensacola since 1890. These events are ordered chronologically from oldest (left) to newest (right). The numerous low-magnitude events in recent decades are influenced by both climate and data availability. All data are converted to NAVD88 datum, however, the data are intentionally not detrended, so the influence of relative sea level rise is included. SLR trend taken from NOAA tide gauge at Pensacola.
Statistics/ Return Period
Return Period Graph
Extreme Water Levels
Storm tide return levels graph for Pensacola. This graph uses a log-linear regression plot based on observed data from 1890-2018 (129 years). The graph uses the Weiboll Plotting Position Formula, whereby the probability of an extreme event occurring is Rank/ (n+1), where "n" is the number of years in the data record. These data have been detrended to remove the influence of sea level rise and all data are plotted relative to Annually Adjusted Mean Sea Level (AAMSL). The regression line represents the line of best fit and indicates return levels (y-axis) for various return periods (x-axis).
Return Period |
Storm Tide Level (Feet above AAMSL) |
500-year |
12.63 |
200-year |
10.77 |
100-year |
9.37 |
50-year |
7.97 |
25-year |
6.57 |
10-year |
4.71 |
Extreme water levels above Annually-Adjusted Mean Sea Level (AAMSL) with long-term sea level rise removed. The correct way to interpret these levels is as follows: Based on a log-linear regression of observed data from 1890-2018, storm tide levels at Pensacola should equal or exceed 9.37 ft every 100 years, on average, above the annually-adjusted MSL. According to the regression equation, the 1906 Hurricane's 9.97-ft storm tide was a 135-year event and Hurricane Ivan's (2004) 9.71-foot storm tide was a 118-year event.
Sea Level Rise and Future Extreme Water Levels
Past SLR Graph
Future SLR Graph
Future SLR Table
Future Extreme Water Levels
Future Extreme Water Levels Graph
Year |
100-Year Flood Intermediate SLR |
100-Year Flood Intermediate-High SLR |
2000 |
9.73 |
9.73 |
2020 |
10.19 |
10.32 |
2040 |
10.71 |
11.04 |
2060 |
11.44 |
12.19 |
2080 |
12.32 |
13.63 |
2100 |
13.37 |
15.57 |
This table provides future 100-year water levels above NAVD88 datum. These numbers are calculated by adding four values: 1) The 100-year storm tide listed in the Statistics/ Return Period section- measured in feet above AAMSL; 2) An adjustment from MSL to NAVD88, which involved adding 0.30 ft to all water levels for Pensacola; 3) A conversion from water levels in 1992 (the mean year of the Present Epoch for Pensacola tide gauge data) to 2000, based on a long-term SLR rate of 0.76 ft/ century, which meant adding 0.06 ft; 4) Sea-Level rise projections from NOAA (2017), shown in the Future SLR Graph and Table above.
Extreme water level predictions for the 100-year coastal flood event at Pensacola. All of these projected values pertain to water levels for the "100-year storm" (1% annual chance) in the future. This analysis assumes stationarity in the flood level above the Annually Adjusted Mean Sea Level (AAMSL), so the increase in values are completely due to sea-level rise. According to this graph, there is a 1% chance that water levels will equal or exceed 13.34 feet in the year 2060, according to the intermediate-high SLR projection.
Data Sources
NOAA Tide Gauge
Data-Selection Circle
Tide Gauge Site: Fort Myers, Caloosahatchee River: 872550
Operation: National Ocean Service (NOS) Coordinates: Lat: 26.6483, Lon: -81.87 6-min Water Level Data February 1, 1997 - April 30, 1997 November 11, 1997 - Present Hourly Water Level Data April 16, 1969 - May 31, 1972 July 1, 1972 - November 10, 1972 February 10, 1973 - April 30, 1997 November 11, 1997 - Present Note: Verified data are available for all of these dates listed for both 6-min and hourly data |
Missing Data
We have identified five hurricanes/ tropical storms since 1900 that may have generated storm tides exceeding 4 ft (1.22 m) near Pensacola, but a literature review does not yet provide data. These maps are provided by Unisys Corporation
Storm Surge Multimedia
Note: All of these pics/ video were taken from the Fort Myers area
Hurricane Irma (2017)
Hurricane Charley (2004)
Map Source:
This video shows storm surge footage in nearby Punta Gorda for the first 1 min 41 seconds.
Storm surge footage at 17:20, 59:55 and 1:02:21. The footage around 1:02:21 shows storm surge damage and a storm survivor talks about, "waves coming up to our doorstep." At 1:03:45 the reporters discuss the storm surge forecast and observations. At 1:08:10 the video shows where storm surge made a cut through Northern Captiva Island. In general, Charley was known as more of a wind event than a surge event. The helicopter footage starting around 1:10 tells an interesting story, as we see catastrophic wind damage to homes right next to canals that still have small boats in the moorings. This is a sign that storm surge was not high enough in this area to push the boats onto land.
Great Miami Hurricane (1926)
Source of the previous three photos: